Sensor Based Traffic Light Controller using FSM Technique -
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Output Waveform : Sensor Based Single Way Traffic Light Controller. |
VHDL Code-
-- Title : TLC_sensor
-- Design : vhdl_upload2
-- Author : Naresh Singh Dobal
-- Company :
-- VHDL Programs & Exercise with Naresh Singh Dobal.
-- File : Sensor based single way traffic light controller.vhd
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity TLC_sensor is
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
sensor : in STD_LOGIC;
r : out STD_LOGIC;
y : out STD_LOGIC;
g : out STD_LOGIC
end TLC_sensor;
architecture TLC_sensor_arc of TLC_sensor is
type color is (red,yellow,green);
signal p_state : color;
signal n_state : color;
present_state : process (clk) is
if (rising_edge (clk)) then
p_state <= n_state;
end if;
end process present_state ;
next_state : process (p_state, sensor ) is
case (p_state) is
when red =>
n_state <= green;
r <= '1';
y <= '0';
g <= '0';
when green =>
if (sensor='1') then
n_state <= green;
n_state <= yellow;
end if;
r <= '0';
y <= '0';
g <= '1';
when yellow =>
n_state <= red ;
r <= '0';
y <= '1';
g <= '0';
end case;
end process next_state;
end TLC_sensor_arc;
hi, I want to quest you another thing. Using FPGA modelsim programm,
ReplyDeleteTraffic Signal Controller Design
- Design of Traffic Signal Controller with intersection of North and South (NS) and East (EW)
- always green signal when there is no vehicle on the EW road because NS road is leading to heavy traffic flow
- Signal change when vehicles are on the EW road
- Signal lamps : Green, yellow and red
- NS Road Signal Time : Green (6 sec) - > Yellow (2 sec) - > Red
- EW Road Signal Time : Green (3 sec) - > Amber (2 sec) - > Red
- Designed as Moore or Mealy
Can you solve this question?