Three Basic Element inside a Computer Chip -
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Three Basic Elements inside IC (Learn VHDL with Naresh Singh Dobal series). |
are three basic elements in a computer chip, First one is called a transistor
and this is the switch just like a light switch, that turn on or off, and flows
and block the electricity, this is the three terminal device.
one is resistor, and resistor slows down the electricity, when electricity
passes threw the resistor then it resist the flow of electricity, it’s symbol
is like a zigzag line, and this is a two terminal device, and this is very
important in electronics, Resistors comes in different values and different
sizes. If you see them in real then you can see some band of colors these band
actually tells the value of resistance, don’t worry about that I will tell you
that how you can identify the value of resistors using color bands.
third most important part of an integrated circuit or computer chip is
capacitor, and a capacitor stores the electricity, These capacitors makes up of
different materials and different sizes, this is basically a two terminal
now if you connect these all components a resistor, transistor and capacitors
with the help of wires then you have a some type of electronic circuit.